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cdmaking everyone’s life difficult
奇怪的鸭嘴兽  detail>>
everyone in life cherishes youth
人生呀谁不惜呀惜青春  detail>>
her difficult life
历尽艰辛一妇人  detail>>
life is difficult u can go away
生命难苦困  detail>>
life is difficult you can go away
生命中总有困难,你总不能逃避  detail>>
 pron.  =everybody.  detail>>
with everyone
劲往一处使  detail>>
be difficult of
难于, 不易  detail>>
be difficult to
很难去……  detail>>
 adj.  1.困难的,(工作等)艰难的。 2.执拗的,顽固的。  短语和例子   a difficult ...  detail>>
it’s not difficult
不难  detail>>
that’s difficult
那很困难  detail>>
a toast everyone
敬大家一杯酒  detail>>
and everyone is singing
每个人都在歌唱  detail>>
be equal to everyone
大家马儿大家骑  detail>>
be the admiration of everyone
人人称羡  detail>>
everyone a publisher
人人都是出版家  detail>>
everyone else
其他每个人  detail>>